RAIN showers forecast for today (Friday) and into the weekend and on Monday will impact on water levels of the Isle of Wight's Eastern Yar, say the Environment Agency (EA) in their latest.

Although water levels in the upper Eastern Yar continue to slowly fall — but remain high, yet stable in the lower reaches of the Eastern Yar Valley — additional rainfall will impact into at least tomorrow the government agency has said in its latest flood alert.

At lunchtime, Island Roads closed Morton Common in Sandown on safety grounds after water levels rose dramatically overnight.


Island Roads also, this afternoon, closed Longwood Lane and the cycle track in Lake because of flooding.

The EA warn water will be ponded on low lying land adjacent throughout the river valley, with road, cycle track and footpath flooding expected.

The EA also advise to avoid walking or driving through flood water.

The flood alert area covers the Eastern Yar and tributaries from Whitwell to Bembridge.

"Additional rainfall will maintain the responsive nature of the Eastern Yar catchment," the EA say.

The government agency also warn of a "further, potentially significant band of rain is forecast on Sunday, into Monday and will continue to monitor weather forecasts.

This message will be updated by 3pm tomorrow (Saturday).