Ever heard of the County Hall bubble? Well so have I. In fact, not only heard about it I am in it.

It really is a tricky situation to be in because as councillors we all work in this organisation which has its own sets of rules, its own method of working, its stresses and strains of trying to deliver services for our Island community and a range of checks and balances that go on during any decision-making process.

Often, the public are not exposed or aware of these things and, quite rightly, just want the council to get on and deliver better outcomes and better services.

I am very aware of that whilst working in the ‘bubble’ and try to remember why we are there as councillors, especially when we are making decision that impact and affect people’s lives.

Stepping outside the bubble helps to focus on what is important and I hear from lots of our residents from across the Island just what is important to them and our communities.

I never forget our residents’ comments and through them I can, and do, formulate just what we want the council to do for us all - given the financial constraints we have been under for so long now.

An Island fairer funding formula and award that gives our Island the money it needs to stop the ongoing cuts and helps us pay for the important things we need is near the top of my agenda.

Lots of work has gone on and I met with the Minister some weeks ago when he visited the Island to try and persuade him of our need for extra funding.

Government seems to accept the Island has a case in this regard but also seems unable to work out how much money we do need!

Rest assured I and our team at the council have given Government our estimate and we now await any settlement from them which usually arrives mid to late December. Let us hope Christmas arrives this year with a real financial festive cheer.

I am also determined to make sure no families live in temporary accommodation or even worse, are staying in short term bed and breakfast accommodation. This cannot be what our Island wants, and many people tell me so.

Currently we have over 200 families living in temporary accommodation, and it is my determination to put in place measures that will reduce that number down to zero over the shortest timeframe possible.

Details of this will emerge over the coming weeks and short months as we once again consider the annual budget setting process which gets set in February each year.

Along with this determination we must also address the difficult problem of providing affordable homes for Islanders and finding a way to do that so local need is met first and foremost and homes are truly Island affordable.

It is a difficult problem to solve but it is one I am committed to finding the answer to and the one many people want to hear about decisively and directly.

I will write again soon with how we are progressing on this especially critical issue.