Public toilets in Sandown have had to be closed following an arson attempt over the weekend.

Police are now investigating.

The public conveniences at Eastern Gardens, on the beach, were subjected to an attempted arson at the weekend, a statement from Sandown Town Council said.

A fire damaged the accessible unit and the electrics of the £200,000 facility, resulting in the fire service being called out.

Town Mayor Alex Lightfoot said: "We are grateful for the response of the contractors and the emergency services, and we hope those responsible for this damage, as well as the potential consequences, are held to account.

"We are working with the police to secure a prosecution."

The toilets are currently closed due to the smoke damage and need for electrical work, with the town council working to re-open as soon as possible.

Deputy Mayor Ian Fletcher said: "This mindless act of vandalism has targeted disabled people, depriving families and vulnerable people of a vital facility, as well as costing local residents significant repair costs, and requiring the fire service to attend at a time when Island residents were suffering from flooding."

Sandown Town Council installed the facilities, following public consultation, at the start of the year and are in the process of installing a Changing Places unit before next Summer.

Councillors will be considering the installation of further CCTV in the forthcoming budget.

Cllr Lightfoot added: "While the new Eastern Gardens conveniences are more resistant to vandalism than the previous block, they continue to be a target of anti-social behaviour.

"We will continue to work with partner agencies to reduce vulnerability to damage, as well as support the prosecution of those responsible."