AN ISLE of Wight drug addict has narrowly avoided going straight to jail following high value shoplifting in Waitrose.

Ross Minter, of Whitcombe Road, Newport, appeared before Isle of Wight magistrates on Tuesday, October 17.

The 45-year-old admitted theft from the supermarket in East Cowes, on August 17.

Prosecutor, Ann Smout, said Minter entered Waitrose at around 1.30pm. He put a medley of kale and meat into a bag for life, and when challenged by a member of staff, relinquished just a single item.

Ms Smout said he made off without making an attempt to pay for the rest and the value of items stolen amounted to £146.

She said the goods stolen were of high value and could easily be sold on the street.

Minter had a record of offences of a similar nature and was already subject of a community order for a previous, identical matter.

Barry Arnett, defending, said Minter had struggled with addiction – namely heroin – for most of his life.

He said he was annoyed with himself and desperate to change his ways.

Magistrates said Minter's history of offending was appalling and it would be his last opportunity to be rehabilitated. 

The serial offender was handed a 12-week prison term, suspended for 12 months, to include 25 rehabilitation days and a nine-month drug rehabilitation requirement.

He must pay £146 compensation.