AN EAST Cowes town councillor is on the cusp of being crowned National Young Councillor of the Year.

Cameron Palin has been named as a finalist in this year’s National Association of Local Councils’ star council awards.

Shining a spotlight on the local parish and town council sector, the awards celebrate local councils, councillors, young councillors, clerks, and county associations’ positive impact on their communities. 

Cllr Tracy Reardon, mayor of East Cowes, said: “Cllr Palin has been an inspiration.

“His dedication and passion to improve the lives of residents, as well as the surrounding environment, is truly remarkable.”

Cllr Palin said: “I feel absolutely honoured and humbled to be one of the five finalists.

“All the work I do as a town councillor is because of my love and passion for my town and community.

“I never expected to have the privilege to be a finalist.”

The winners of the Star Council Awards will be announced during NALC’S parliamentary reception on the November 29, at the House of Lords.