An Isle of Wight police officer has spoken out in the wake of the sacking of a 'bully' sergeant, who was found to have used excessive force against detainees.

Posting on Facebook, Sgt Radford said: "There are times when something happens and it puts a spotlight on all of us".

He said 'what you may have seen is rare' and urged Islanders to 'take officers how you find them'.

His comments come after a hearing found former Sgt Simon Lythgoe, an ex-powerlifting champion, guilty of gross misconduct.

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In CCTV footage, Lythgoe can be seen holding a detainee up by his neck at Newport Police Station.

The hearing heard how Lythgoe did not like the 'aggressive' look he said the man had given one of his colleagues.

In another incident, the following month, a female detainee called Ms A, who suffered PTSD from an abusive ex, was said to have been held down by Sgt Lythgoe and three other officers.

Although he denied the charges he was found guilty of gross misconduct on all counts and dismissed with immediate effect.

Following the story, published by the County Press, Sgt Radford took to social media to reassure Islanders.

He said: "Out of the last 16 days I have had 1 day off. . . that is for a variety of reasons, my shift pattern, last minute court warning and then having no one to cover me in the role that I do last minute.

"It’s a disciplined service and sometimes that’s how it works out. During my 15 working days, I have given it 100% and I am tired. Your officers have been working long hours to keep some of our most prolific and violent offenders off the street. They are committed to serving our community and will be here no matter how long it takes to keep you safe.

"I’m sure you have seen what has been going on recently in the local media and the positive results we have had. Policing is not easy, I can tell you that from 15 years of experience.

"There are times when something happens and it puts a spotlight on all of us. There are things that are not acceptable or right for various reasons, what you may have seen in the local media today is rare and has rightly been dealt with. I am disappointed but of course it wouldn’t be right to talk about it here.

"What I am trying to say, is if you ever need to see a police officer please take them how you find them. I expect they have never been involved in any disciplinary issues, I work with some very friendly and passionate officers and they will be very keen to deal with your problem and if necessary, arrest the bad guy as that’s what we all joined to do."

Lythgoe served as an officer with Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary for '25 or so' years and in 2018, broke a bench pressing world record by pushing 231kg.

In a statement, deputy chief constable Sam De Reya, described Lythgoe's actions as "incredibly disappointing and completely unjustified" and issued an apology to the victims involved.