NEWPORT Rowing Club closed its Crowdfunder last week, having reached and exceeded its target for clubhouse repairs. 

The club had hoped to raise £8,000 to undertake necessary works to keep the clubhouse standing for another generation.

The building is understood to be one of only two boathouses built above tidal waters in the UK.

High tides and winds have weakened the building, which now needs steel underpinning to keep it secure.

Further to this, funds are needed to repair the slipway, which is rotting. 

The campaign, including a contribution of £2,400 from Sport England, has raised £9,500. 

Club chair, Julie Clarke, said: “We have been truly humbled by the support and encouraging messages.

"It really means a lot to us.”

Knowing the funds were coming, the club started repairs to the slipway last week and steel underpinning works are set to begin this week.

The extra money raised will allow the refurbishment of the upstairs section, and if there is enough left over, the club hopes to repaint the north side of the roof with the iconic NRC motif.

Once the building is in good shape, the club plans to host an open day to show it off.