It was fun on and off the water for this year's Bembridge Harbour Family Fun Weekend.

Despite initial windy and at times wet conditions, Bembridge Harbour was full of visiting boats for the annual event.

A paper boat building workshop resulted in 25 marine masterpieces, ready for the Great Bembridge Paper Boat Race at Brading Haven Yacht Club.

With entries from club members, 42 boats took to the water over three races. The wind direction and incoming tide made for challenging conditions, with many boats struggling to make any headway towards the finishing line.

None of that really mattered in the fun and excitement.

The beach games included egg and spoon, three-legged, sack and running races in age groups from under fives to adults, finishing with a very noisy and wet family bucket challenge.

With 13 fabulous entries in the sandcastle building competition, and seven for the sand sculptures, the judges had an almost impossible task on their hands, but managed in the end, with “Windsor Castle” winning the architectural prize, and a mermaid the sculpting.

Bembridge RNLI Lifeboat was in the harbour offering tours, and the RYA sea safety team was on hand offering free lifejacket checks and advice.

Saturday night’s Harbour Party included a disco and live music from All Washed Up, with a fancy dress competition in the theme of “On or in the Water” featuring Neptune, several pirates, a shark, a lobster, crabs and a jellyfish which lit up.

The event culminated in a crabbing competition with “crab catchers” of all ages. All crabs, once counted, were carefully returned to the water - the largest crab measuring 7.5cm (not including the legs)!

More than £2,000 was raised for the harbour’s nominated charity, the Kissypuppy - Sophie Rolf Trust, which together with funds raised at June’s Rock the Boat event brings the total this year to over £5,300.