An official photo has been released to show what the new railings at Ventnor Cascades could look like.

While there has been another image in circulation, Island Roads told the County Press last week that the final design hadn't been signed off or formally agreed with stakeholders.

However, following some tweaks showing the railings as curved, rather than sectioned, the artist’s impression has now been released.

The new railings will be vertical as opposed to the current horizontal style, as vertical railings are more compliant with the required safety standards.

Due to the area being a conservation area, the Isle of Wight Council’s conservation officer is involved "to ensure the new railings and bollards are in keeping to with the local character".

A considerable amount of scaffolding, excavation of the footway, and the "twisting and rising" nature of the landscape are some of the reasons given as to why the work will take around six months.

The project will see the installation of 140m of railings to replace the current warped and rusty ones, and the walkway will also be resurfaced.