A FUNDRAISER to save Newport Rowing Club’s historic boathouse has been launched.

The building, which has been standing on the river Medina since 1863, is understood to be one of only two boathouses built above tidal waters in the UK.

High tides and winds have weakened the building, which now needs steel underpinning to keep it secure.

Further to this, funds are needed to repair the slipway, which is rotting. 

Isle of Wight County Press: Newport Rowing Club's historic boathouse. Newport Rowing Club's historic boathouse. (Image: County Press)

In total, the club is seeking to raise £6,000 to complete the work.

A further £2,000 would see the club extend its clubroom.

To make a donation, visit Newport Rowing Club's Crowdfunder page here.

“The whole slipway needs replacing, so we’re going to do it all in one go,” said club chair, Julie Clarke.

“You can see the odd bits which have been replaced over the years, but it is all untreated wood, so it’s not going to last – it’s just going to rot.

Isle of Wight County Press: Newport Rowing Club's historic boathouse slipway.Newport Rowing Club's historic boathouse slipway. (Image: County Press)

“That’s going to cost us around £1,000.

“Most of the floor in the boathouse is original, and is such good quality compared to the wood you buy today.

“The whole building tends to sway a bit, so we have these steel cross members which are going to go underneath to support the whole building.

“What we need is a specialist workman to jack them up so they are all level, and install another line of steel supports.

“That’s going to cost about £5,000, so £6,000 in total for the essential works.

“Upstairs, we’d like to move the wall to make the clubroom bigger, and fully insulate it.

Isle of Wight County Press: Newport Rowing Club's historic boathouse interior.Newport Rowing Club's historic boathouse interior. (Image: County Press)

“We could do with the extra space, especially for the kitchen, and it would then be big enough to have little social events.

“At the moment, it’s fine for a meeting or a cup of tea, but it’s not big enough to do anything else.”

Already, more than £5,600 has been raised.

Isle of Wight County Press: Newport Rowing Club's historic boathouse.Newport Rowing Club's historic boathouse. (Image: County Press)

Sport England pledged to chip in the balance if 60 per cent of the total could be raised.

“Sport England is looking to see that community sport clubs like ours really get involved with their local communities,” said Julie.

“That is why they have chosen to support Crowdfunding as a method of fundraising. 

“We need to obtain donations from at least 50 people to activate their support. 

“Donations can be as little as £5, and we really value every penny that people can spare.”