A MERCEDES driver who told fellow car ferry passengers he had "been on the razz" - was shopped to the police.  

Douglas Williams, of Lane End Road, Bembridge, admitted drink driving on July 13 when he appeared at the Isle of Wight Magistrates' Court on Friday, July 28.

The 51-year-old former hotelier, unemployed, was travelling on the Wightlink car ferry from Portsmouth to Fishbourne, when he told fellow passengers he had been drinking heavily the night before — "on the razz," as he put it that morning, said Lauren Stone, prosecuting.

A member of the public on board the ferry informed the police Williams had driven a Mercedes on board.

Officers waiting for him at Fishbourne ferry terminal followed Williams and pulled him over on Binstead Hill.

When asked if he had been drinking within the past hour, Williams said no, failed a roadside breath test and was arrested.

At Newport Police Station, a further breath test revealed a reading of 135 microgrammes. The drink-drive limt is 35.

It was the fourth drink-drive conviction on Williams's record.

For Williams, Simon Collingham said his client showed remorse for his "disgusting behaviour, putting other roads users at risk.

"He clearly hadn't learned his lesson from previous drink-drive offences."

Mr Collingham explained Williams had broken up with his girlfriend in Kent the evening before, stayed at a hotel in Portsmouth, drank heavily that night then caught the early ferry the next morning. 

The bench was also told Williams was a carer for his parents and needed the car.

Mr Collingham said Williams, sobbing uncontrollably in the dock, was trying to address his drink problem by showing he had adopted a healthy lifestyle, doing bodybuilding as a hobby.

"The breakdown of his relationship was the catalyst for his decision to drink and drive," Mr Collingham added.

Magistrates ordered a report on Williams, to cover all sentencing options, to include a possible jail term.

Williams was made subject to an interim driving ban, and was bailed to reappear for sentencing at the same venue on August 25.