It's back and in a bigger venue so why not head along to the Isle of Wight Chamber Business Expo 2023?

Join the Island’s business community on Wednesday, July 12, at Ryde School.

Not only is there is a larger venue, Expo 2023 has moved to the summer, benefiting from longer, sunnier daylight hours.

Expo is again sponsored by WightFibre.

Dozens of businesses will be exhibiting, including the Isle of Wight County Press, and charities including Isle Access, Mountbatten, and Wessex Cancer Trust.

IW Chamber Chief Executive Steven Holbrook said: "We’re very excited to be moving our event to the grounds of Ryde School.

“Expo has been a capacity event for many years now and we needed to grow again.

"We’re looking forward to welcoming more exhibitors and visitors, as well as offering new ways for businesses to interact with each other.

“We want people to make a day of it and for exhibitors and attendees alike to get even more out of their day.

“Expo is a very rare annual opportunity for the wide Island business network and community to come together.

"There’s no other event like it, where businesses can trade with each other, predominantly on a B2B basis. There’s also B to C as well, with visitors engaging with new businesses and discovering opportunities.

"There’s a chance to recruit too, and exhibitors can show potential employees what their business is all about.

“If you’ve never been to Expo, you’re missing out. Join us on July 12.

“We’ve got brilliant business confirmed as exhibitors but we’re expecting hundreds more visitor attendees on the day. If you’re in business on the Isle of Wight, don’t miss Expo.”

Entry is free and you don’t have to be a chamber member. 

Expo opens at 10am and closes at 4pm.

There’s a networking business breakfast before doors open too.