The Isle of Wight's Tennyson Coast is being celebrated with three days of walks and community arts events, this weekend - called Crossing the Bar.

It is named after a poem by Lord Tennyson, written in 1889 as he was crossing the Solent to his home at Farringford. The bar is a sandbar, which forms part of the Island’s heritage coastline.

Scroll down to see the walking routes and for how to book...

Between Friday, June 9 and Sunday, June 11, 12 walks, ranging from 1.5 to 28 miles, will criss-cross the countryside, enhanced by colourful handmade flags and short performances, presented by local arts groups.

Isle of Wight County Press: West Wight children enjoying the Isle of Wight's Tennyson Heritage Coast.West Wight children enjoying the Isle of Wight's Tennyson Heritage Coast. (Image: New Carnival.)

In its third year, this year's event is part of the National Year of the Coast celebrations, focussing on the stretch of land between St Lawrence and Totland Bay which is noted for its unspoilt beauty, biodiversity and rich cultural heritage.

Crossing The Bar walking event on the Isle of Wight: free walks and how to book

CLICK HERE to book (for free) onto the linear walks 

Friday, June 9: Ventnor Botanic Garden to Niton. 

  • Linear Walk at 1.30pm from Ventnor Botanic Garden, 4.5 miles
  • Short Circular Walk at 1.30pm Ventnor Botanic Garden, 2 miles

Saturday, June 10: Niton to Whale Chine, Chale. 

  • Linear Walk at 10am from The Buddle Inn, Niton, 5.5 miles
  • Short Circular Walk at 10am from The Buddle Inn, Niton, 2 miles

Saturday, June 10: Whale Chine, Chale to Brighstone.

  • Linear Walk at 1pm from Whale Chine, 5 miles
  • Short Circular Story Walk at 2pm from Brighstone, Warnes Lane car park, 1.5 miles
  • Long Circular Walk at 12pm, from Brighstone Warnes Lane car park, 8 miles

Sunday, June 11: Brighstone to Freshwater Bay.

  • Linear Walk at 9.30am from Brighstone Warnes Lane car park, 6.5 miles

Sunday, June 11: Freshwater Bay to Totland Bay.

  • Linear Walk at 1pm from Freshwater Bay, 5.5 miles
  • Short Circular Story Walk at 1pm from Freshwater Bay, 1.5 miles
  • Long Circular Walk at 12pm from Turf Walk
  • Short Circular Walk at 2.30pm from Turf Walk, Totland, 2 miles

A grand Sing Out is planned on Friday, June 9, at 12.30pm, in Ventnor Botanic Gardens, where around 850 schoolchildren will perform sea shanties, to send walkers on their way. 

Isle of Wight County Press: West Wight primary school children painting flags inspired by their coastal visit.West Wight primary school children painting flags inspired by their coastal visit. (Image: New Carnival.)

This Isle of Wight Music Hub, New Carnival and Isle of Wight AONB-organised concert is the culmination of a year-long music education programme.

It will launch a six-week community education and learning project, involving heritage and nature experts, schoolchildren, adult volunteers, and local artists.

Frankie Goldspink, director Creative Ways Outdoors working on behalf of New Carnival said: "We are very proud of our heritage coasts and really want to shout about that.

"Working with artists and wildlife experts we have explored themes and created artworks with young people which reflect that pride of place, which we now want to share with everyone in our free walking programme."

All the walks are free, but the linear ones must be pre-booked, due to restricted numbers.

Crossing the Bar is supported by the IW Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, The
National Lottery Heritage Fund, and Arts Council England.