A PAVEMENT that has served a main road for decades has been deemed unsuitable for pedestrians and filled with bollards.

The section of Ocean View Road, opposite Ventnor Industrial Estate, is now impassable for wheelchair users, or people pushing prams.

Island Roads has said pedestrians should now use a parallel pavement which runs alongside but is set a few feet lower, and involves navigating a slope.  

A local mum, who lives up the road and walks her children to school along the pavement each day, said: "We used to cross the road where the bollards have been put because it was the safest place to cross what is a busy road.

Isle of Wight County Press: The narrow alternative pathway.The narrow alternative pathway. (Image: Isle of Wight County Press)

"Now we cannot cross there because the bollards mean I can't go that way with the pushchair.

"I have also seen school children walking along there and the bollards mean that they were walking closer to the cars going past."

The route is used by may children walking from Ventnor up to the schools in Upper Ventnor.

The County Press asked Island Roads what the reason behind the bollards was.

A spokesperson said: "Island Roads’ priority is to maintain the safest possible road and footway network.

"In doing this, we have to consider many factors and the needs of all road users – whether in vehicles or on foot.

"Following a detailed assessment last year, additional measures were agreed with the Isle of Wight Council to ensure this location met modern safety requirements in terms of preventing vehicles leaving the carriageway.

"While the new bollards address this safety need, the work clearly means that the narrow section of highway on which they now stand, and where people may have previously walked, should not be used by pedestrians, particularly those with prams.

"In looking at the best safety solution, it was felt this section of highway was unsuitable for pedestrians as it is less than the minimum width recommended for footways – just 70cms at its narrowest.

"In addition, there is also a wider footway immediately adjacent which can be used by pedestrians as a safer and convenient alternative."