AN ISLE of Wight drug-driver was caught behind the wheel while over the limit on two consecutive days.

James Mursell, of Canning Court, Newport, appeared before Isle of Wight magistrates on Tuesday (March 14).

The 44-year-old admitted two counts of drug driving in Newport, on Staplers Road and Taylor Road, between January 5 and January 6 of this year.

Prosecutor, Ann Smout, told the court officers had been on duty at approximately 3.50pm on the first occasion when they saw a vehicle turn without indicating.

She said the car was stopped and officers could smell cannabis coming from both the driver, Mursell, and his vehicle.

Mursell registered a reading of 111 for a derivative of cannabis when the legal limit is 2.

Ms Smout said Mursell was stopped again by police the next day, and was seen to drive up and across the pavement to reach a car park.

He registered a reading of 4.7 for the derivative on this second occasion.

The court heard his last conviction was back in 2015, and he had no previous convictions of a like nature.

Barry Keel, defending, said Mursell pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity and was fully co-operative with police.

He said he had stayed out of trouble since 2015 and used cannabis to help cope with PTSD following a family tragedy some years ago.

Mr Keel said Mursell – a carer for his mother who has dementia – hadn’t appreciated how long cannabis would stay in his system.

Mursell was fined £208 and disqualified from driving for 36 months.  

He was ordered to pay costs of £85 and an £83 surcharge.