A MAN was caught drink driving on the Isle of Wight after police received a tipped off from security staff at a popular Newport pub.

Alexander Pugsley, of Belmont Park Avenue, Maidenhead, appeared before Isle of Wight magistrates on Tuesday (March 14).

The 27-year-old admitted drink driving in Newport, on February 26 of this year.

Prosecutor, Ann Smout, told the court police had been alerted by a member of staff at the Hogs Head pub off Newport High Street on the day in question.

She said Pugsley was seen to enter his car at approximately 2.25am, and when arrested, he told officers he had no intention to drive and had merely been fetching cigarettes from his vehicle.

But in police interview, he admitted drinking in Ryde and driving to Newport with the intention of getting sustenance.

The court heard he had been slurring his words, his eyes were watering, and he smelt of intoxicating liquor.

He registered a breath-alcohol reading of 79 when the legal limit is 35.

Oscar Vincent, defending, said Pugsley pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity and made full and frank admissions in police interview.

He said Pugsley had been spotted by security staff when parking his car, but there was no evidence of bad driving beforehand, and his driving did not lead to a police chase.

Mr Vincent said Pugsley had been punished enough already, with his impending road ban leading to the loss of his employment.

Pugsley was fined £120 and disqualified from driving for 20 months.

He was ordered to pay costs of £85 and a £48 surcharge.