As many households worry about the prospect of recycled water and having to buy bottled water, and how they can afford fruit and veg, it is time to think about what is in that treasure trove in the back garden.

Yes, it is time to think about seasonal fruit and veg that do not come from around the world.

It takes a bit of planning but most of us can do our bit to cut down air miles, save money and reduce our impact on the planet.

Things are not going to get better as farms disappear.

Of course housing developments should fund the new infrastructure it requires, including sewage, roads, schools and health services.

Unfortunately as more agricultural land is lost, what is left becomes intensive and less sustainable and soil quality is an issue.

So "grow your own" is something we who are able should now consider for ourselves and in the interest of all as fruit and veg are now being rationed in supermarkets.