Bin bags full of dead pheasants have been dumped in a rural country lane, near Newport.

The grim discovery was made by Martin Jackson, as he passed by earlier today (Friday, January 6)

He said: "Not a particularly pleasant sight on my lunch time walk! Who does things like this?"

**Warning: The video and photo below show bags of dead pheasants, which you might find upsetting.

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Isle of Wight County Press: The bin bags, dumped on St George's Lane.The bin bags, dumped on St George's Lane. (Image: Isle of Wight County Press.)

The dead birds were dumped on St George’s Lane, at its junction with the bridleway, between Shide Quarry and Newport Golf Club.

It is too early to know how the pheasants died.

Isle of Wight County Press: Dead pheasants dumped in a bin bag near Newport, Isle of Wight.Dead pheasants dumped in a bin bag near Newport, Isle of Wight. (Image: Martin Jackson.)