IN SUMMING up Scott Cooper’s murder trial, Judge Timothy Mousley took members of the jury through a timeline of events.

Piers Brazier, of George Street, Ryde, is accused of murdering 33-year-old Scott Edward Cooper in a property on George Street.

His body was found by police on January 4, in a shower cubicle at Mr Brazier’s address.

He had suffered multiple stab wounds, including to the face and neck.

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Judge Mousley said another male, hereafter referred to as Mr X, was the only possible eyewitness, and at 2.48pm, he, Mr Brazier, and two other males entered the Castle in Ryde.

They stayed at the public house until around 4pm, at which time Mr X, Mr Brazier and another male were seen in the Crown Hotel.

Judge Mousley said Mr Cooper phoned Mr Brazier around the same time, and the call lasted some two minutes.

The court heard the rest of the afternoon was uneventful until 6.37pm, when Mr Cooper and Mr Brazier were seen walking towards the High Street.

The rest of the events were as follows:

  • At 7.39pm, Mr Cooper called Mr X.
  • At 8.10pm, Mr X, Mr Cooper and two others were seen on CCTV heading to Costcutter in Binstead.
  • At 8.42pm, Mr X and the two others were seen going back to an address in Binstead without Mr Cooper.
  • At 9.10pm, Mr Cooper was seen for the first time in George Street.
  • At 10.14pm, Mr Cooper was seen going into Mr Brazier’s then ex-girlfriend’s basement flat.
  • At 10.27pm, Mr Cooper was seen to emerge from the flat and kick the main door to the building.
  • Between 10.27 and 10.53pm, Mr Cooper was seen in and out of the building.
  • At 10.53pm, Mr Cooper was seen talking to an Albanian male outside the building.
  • At 10.54pm, Mr Brazier was seen to arrive on a scooter, and Mr Cooper was seen to kick out at the other male’s dog. The pair were then seen entering number 74 – Mr Brazier’s flat.
  • Minutes later, the Albanian male called the police.
  • At 10.56pm, Mr X was still in Binstead.
  • At 10.57pm, Mr Brazier and Mr Cooper were seen to enter Mr Brazier’s then ex-girlfriend’s basement flat.
  • At 11.26pm, Mr X received a call from the Albanian male who had an altercation with Mr Cooper outside the building.
  • At 11.27pm, Mr Brazier called Mr X, and Mr X tried to call Mr Cooper.
  • At 11.28pm, Mr X phoned Mr Brazier – a 29-second call.
  • At 11.29pm, Mr Brazier called Mr X – a 1-minute 14-second call.
  • At 11.32, Mr Brazier called Mr X again.
  • At 11.35pm, Mr X and two others were seen in the Co-Op car park in Binstead.
  • At 11.39pm, Mr X was seen entering Mr Brazier’s address, and was there for 89 seconds.
  • Mr X was then seen to walk up George Street, turn, and enter number 70.
  • At 11.40pm, Mr Brazier called Mr X while he is in 70.
  • At 11.45pm, Mr X Brazier called Mr X again, and is seen to exit his flat and approach 72.
  • At 11.46pm, Mr Brazier was seen to return to his flat, and Mr X was also seen to enter.
  • At 11.55pm, Mr X was seen to exit 74.
  • At 11.58, Mr X was seen to exit the building and walk down the hill.
  • At 12.16pm, Mr Brazier called Mr X, and the latter returned to the address, and was seen minutes later running up the hill.
  • At 12.23pm, Mr X called Mr Brazier – a 2-minute 9-second call.