Parents of children at the threatened Chillerton and Rookley Primary School say they are staying put - despite the only teacher leaving at the end of the term.  

There are only ten children at the small village school, but following council plans to transfer them to Godshill, a number of parents are refusing, citing their rights under Section 9 of the Education Act which allows pupils to be educated in accordance with parents’ wishes.

Earlier in 2022, the 170 year old rural school achieved ‘good’ across all areas following an Ofsted inspection.

This news came after the community successfully thwarted two council closure attempts.

Closure plans are yet to be submitted but the school land is protected by a covenant that states the land must be used for the purposes of a public elementary school and for no other purpose.

One parent said: “We absolutely must keep the school open. If it means staff training, promotions and moving around staff then it needs to be done.

“I know my child will not be able to go to any other school as it will affect her mental health and to be honest she shouldn’t have to be pressured.”

A spokesperson for the Save our School Group said: “It is for families to decide on where their children are educated, not council officers in Winchester.

"Parents at rural schools must be looking over their shoulders wondering who is next.

"We would like to understand exactly what the council has done before ‘running out of options’. We would recommend reinstating provision on site for starters.”