Emergency work to stabilise a collapsed seawall in Ventnor is likely to take several months, it has been revealed, because some parts of the project must wait until the next low spring tide to be completed.

This week, rock net sacks are being packed into a hole that runs under the eastern esplanade, to help shore up coastal defences near Ventnor Skatepark.

Earlier this month, the partial collapse of two concrete panels saw part of the wall washed away and exposed a sewer pipe, which Southern Water is protecting with sandbags. 

The section of the eastern cliffs revetment was closed on November 3, following a site inspection, and ongoing monitoring continues.

Isle of Wight County Press: Ventnor's collapsed seawall.Ventnor's collapsed seawall. (Image: Isle of Wight Council.)

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Isle of Wight County Press: Ventnor's collapsed seawall.Ventnor's collapsed seawall. (Image: Isle of Wight Council.)

Isle of Wight Council's manager for environment and waste, Natasha Dix, warns the area remains dangerous and we are being urged to stay away.

She said: "It's with a heavy heart I have to say that pedestrian access along the seawall may not be restored in the short-term.

"Although it may look safe, the large void could mean the concrete collapses at any moment.

"Anyone who ignores the closure will be putting not just their own lives at risk, but those of the emergency services too."  

Coastal structural engineers will be brought in to plan the work.