ISLE of Wight football lost another great character — Steve Case, the man affectionately known as ‘Caser’ and ‘Mr Pan’.

Since the shock news of his death, tributes have poured in for the Gunville man, who led Pan Community (formerly Pan Sports) to a historic treble last season — the Hampshire Saturday Vase, the Isle of Wight Junior A Cup and the Island League Division 2 title.

Steve, who recently lost his battle with cancer, was in football management on the Island for more than three decades — most of which was spent at Pan — and a further 15 as a player, chiefly for Carisbrooke United, making countless friends and earning huge respect throughout the Isle of Wight football community.

Whichever ground he took his side to, one could always hear Steve’s immortal words: “You’re in, nipper!”

John Sivier, Steve’s number two at Pan the past six years — and a great friend for many more than that — said: “We were like an old married couple and would talk about the game four or five times a week.

"Steve was football mad. We could go on for hours talking about it.

“He had a unique way of doing things. He knew what he wanted and how to get it across.
“Steve deserved last year. The lads all loved and respected him. They are all Pan boys and gave 110 per cent for him every game.

“They will want to make sure his memory lives on. It won’t be the same at Pan without him.”

Steve, a cousin of Liverpool legend, Jimmy Case, “was a one-off, who brought his enthusiasm to every match,” said Geoff Ruck, chairman of the Isle of Wight Divisional FA.

Binstead boss James Connor added: “Lovely and loyal bloke. Huge respect for what he’s done at Pan. An Island football legend.”

Echoing those sentiments, Shanklin boss Paul Haward said: “Steve was a really lovable character. A few years back, when we played Pan, I got the lads in for a team talk before the game and Steve was in there, with his linesman flag.

“He said ‘don’t worry about me, nipper’ .... but I asked him politely to leave. No other manager like him.”

Newport boss Steve Brougham said Steve was a great character in Island football circles.

Gareth True, player and co-manager at W&B, said: “It’s totally gutting to lose such a massive character.

“He always had time to talk to you — even if it meant him creating a trail of traffic as he leaned out his window.

“A true legend who has done so much for Pan and Island football.”

Brading boss Steve Lawton added: “I’ve known Caser since I started senior football at 15, playing in the same Carisbrooke team.

“Since being in management, Steve called me every season to wish me luck.
“He was a lovely man, loved by all in Island football.”

Friend and retired football referee, Abu Gates, who grew up with Steve in Gunville, said he was "a generous and decent man".

Abu recalled having to book him once, then, not long after the final whistle, Steve was the first to buy him a pint at a local pub at Pan.

"He will be greatly missed," said Abu.