WITH National Squirrel Week upon us, 30 years of dedicated red squirrel work and study by Wight Squirrel Project has now not only been completed, but published, too.

The book is a detailed record of the red squirrel conservation work on the Isle of Wight, dating from 1991 to 2022. 

The aim of the publication is to provide a reference document for future red squirrel workers and enthusiasts to use, so they can continue to map the progress of our population of red squirrels.

The book comprises three parts, and covers a wide range of topics. 

It includes data, descriptions and the findings of post mortem examinations, as well as details of a red squirrel’s life and projects such as the rope bridges. 

Author, Helen Butler, said: “If it wasn’t for lockdown and a lot of help with typing, running graphs and proof-reading, I don’t think this book would ever have been finished.

"I’m also grateful to the Wildheart Animal Sanctuary for hosting the launch event."

While detailed reading will suit some, a pocketbook edition is also available — again written by Helen — for those looking for a few facts. 

Both are on sale in shops across the Isle of Wight.

For more information, email wightsquirrels@hotmail.com or call 01983 611003.

A launch event is being hosted by the Wildheart Sanctuary on Thursday, October 13, at 5pm. 

Tickets are available