A WHITE-TAILED Eagle returned to the Isle of Wight last week.

This is after spending the summer in northern Scotland.

Eagle G466 flew 1003km back to the Isle of Wight in just seven days. 

At times during her journey, she was joined by two other Isle of Wight birds — 2021 females G542 and G547. 

Having arrived back on the Isle of Wight, G466 intruded at the now well-established territory of G274 and G324 who are resident on the Isle of Wight and rarely let other birds settle for any length of time. 

Roy Dennis Wildlife Foundation project officer, Steve Egerton-Read, photographed G466 in the company of male G274 for a short period, before she was seen off by resident female G324.

Such encounters are important for young eagles as they settle in potential breeding areas because the presence of other eagles on territory is a real draw. 

The question is, what will G466 do next?

Will she remain on the South Coast and search for a mate, or return north once again?