A RYDE street dealer caught supplying cannabis to feed his own drug habit has been spared a jail term.

George Williams, of St John's Wood Road, appeared at the Isle of Wight Crown Court on Wednesday. 

At a previous hearing, the 23-year-old admitted possession of cannabis with intent to supply, on March 10, 2021.

He also admitted being concerned in the supply of cannabis, between February 25, 2021, and March 10, 2021.

Prosecutor, Richard Wayman, told the court police had stopped Williams on an unrelated matter, and he candidly accepted having cannabis on him — handing over two bags. 

Mr Wayman said a search of his address was conducted, where police found a larger bag of cannabis, together with further 'deal bags'. 

Williams had been using two phones, and some messages were found relating to the supply of drugs. 

Mr Wayman said the matter amounted to street dealing, and the cannabis was valued between £480 and £560.

He said text messages used the standard language for offering and selling cannabis. 

The court heard Williams' offending was low level, to fund his own cannabis habits.

Oscar Vincent, defending, said Williams' offending occurred during a period of extreme, albeit temporary instability. 

He said he had bereavement issues, had split up with his girlfriend, lost his employment and became homeless. Now, he was back in employment, back with his partner, and caring for his six-month-old son. 

Judge Alan Macdonald told Williams when he first looked at his case, he was minded to send him to prison.

Williams was made subject of an 18-month community order, to include 25 rehabilitation days and 120 hours of unpaid work.

He was ordered to pay a £95 surcharge, and costs of £435.