A RURAL Isle of Wight primary school — which has survived the threat of closure — has improved its Ofsted rating.

Chillerton and Rookley Primary School, part of the Stenbury Federation, has been rated 'Good' by the education watchdog for the first time since 2013.

The smaller than average school was inspected last month and officials found pupils loved going to the 'friendly and nurturing village school', where they felt happy and safe.

One of the school's 21 pupils told Ofsted inspectors: "The best thing about this school is that everyone is friendly and will always help you.”

Inspectors noted leaders had created a culture of kindness and respect, where the relationship between pupils and staff is 'highly positive'.

Leaders, inspectors said, aspire for all pupils, including those with special education needs or disabilities, and everyone had good opportunities to achieve their very best.

The broad and ambitious curriculum was praised as leaders had identified the key knowledge and skills pupils needed,

While it worked well in some subjects, others were not so well developed.

Inspectors found the sequence of learning did not enable pupils to connect ideas or remember what they have previously learnt, although leaders knew what they needed to do to improve.

Training has also been introduced for some subject leaders as they did not have a clear understanding of whether pupils were doing as well as they could.

Inspectors also noted the close working of leadership and governors to improve the school, saying they were united in wanting to achieve the best outcomes.

Isle of Wight County Press:

Mark Snow, headteacher, said the school was very pleased with the result.

He thanked pupils and especially the staff team across the federation who had worked so hard for the outcome.

Mr Snow also offered his thanks to Isle of Wight Council officers whose support had been invaluable over the very turbulent time for the Stenbury Federation.

He said: "The report validated that we continue to make sure the pupils across the school are getting a good education."

The school was last rated as 'Requires Improvement' in 2018.

Since that inspection, Chillerton and Rookley faced amalgamating with its sister school in Godshill due to falling pupil numbers and rising costs.

It would have meant the school would close.

The Isle of Wight Council decided against the action and is instead working on a strategy to help small rural schools stay open. It is expected to be unveiled in September.

A spokesperson from the campaign to save Chillerton and Rookley Primary School said they would like to congratulate everyone involved with the school for the result.

They said it was an exceptional achievement against a backdrop of uncertainty and the outcome was something families at the school have known for some time.

They said: "This is an excellent platform on which the school can build and go from strength to strength."