"Did you kill Scott Cooper?"

These were the first words asked of Piers Brazier when he took to the witness stand in the Scott Cooper murder trial yesterday (Friday).

Mr Brazier replied: "No I did not," and went on to blame another man for the killing.

The prosecution has now finished the evidence on behalf of the crown, and the defence team, led by barrister Ignatius Hughes, is now being given the opportunity to present their case.

First up to give evidence yesterday afternoon was Mr Brazier, who denies killing Mr Cooper, whose body was found dumped upside down in Mr Brazier's shower in a flat in George Street, Ryde, on January 4.

Among the claims made by Mr Brazier, was that he was a heroin addict and that "lots of people sell drugs in George Street" and that he hadn't slept for weeks and instead took "uppers" and "downers" — injecting himself with drugs.

The sordid lifestyle of Mr Brazier and those he was hanging around with was laid bare to the jury.

Mr Brazier was asked how he knew Mr Cooper and he simply replied: "Smackhead. We know the same people. He was a bit of a bully to some people."

Judge Garnham asked Mr Brazier for a definition of a smackhead, and Mr Brazier said "heroin user".

Mr Hughes asked Mr Brazier why everyone had gone back to his flat.

Mr Brazier said: "They just knew I have got a flat you can do drugs in."

The trial will continue on Monday. It is the first murder trial to be held on the Island since the Isle of Wight Crown Court was opened in 1993, as they are usually sent to Winchester or Southampton.

The County Press is exclusively reporting from the courtroom each day.

Read more: LIVE BLOG of Scott Cooper murder trial