A CLASSIC tale of love, told using spellbinding songs from Disney, is sure to make the next production by The Island Savoyards a winner.

The theatre society returns to Shanklin Theatre this Easter with the spectacular and powerful The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

The retelling of Victor Hugo’s epic story of love, acceptance and what it means to be a true hero, is told using songs from the Disney animated film of the same name and is sure to captivate audiences.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame is one of the most musically challenging pieces the company has undertaken, with the large ensemble and additional choir rehearsing for several months to learn the complex harmonies and master the Latin some of the choral pieces are sung in.

The show’s musical director, Andrew Woodford, has conducted the orchestra for many Savoyards productions and is raising the baton once again for The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Andrew said: "This is a beautifully written score by Disney favourite Alan Menken, who is a master in his field.

"It requires a 16-piece orchestra to fulfil the score which incorporates stunning solos from principal cast with dynamic ensemble numbers and the full choral crescendo sound audiences expect from an Island Savoyards production.

"I am delighted we are able to bring this sensational show to the Isle of Wight and honoured to be conducting the incredibly talented cast and musicians.”

The Island Savoyards are renowned for their staging and lavish, professional costumes. This show will be no exception, with show director Tony Wright also responsible for set and costume design.

He said: "The show is set in 15th century Paris, so it is vital that the set and costumes capture the romantic gothic feel of the production.

"The iconic features of Notre Dame Cathedral act as both a sanctuary and a prison in this large scale production.”

Daniel Farmer will play Quasimodo, the Hunchback of Notre Dame and tragic hero.

In the iconic role of Esmerelda is musician and performer Blue Brown.

The company are thrilled to welcome back Savoyard favourite Steve Jones, playing the antagonist Claude Frollo — the real villain of the story.

Joining the principal cast is Brad Barnley in the heroic role of Captain Phoebus de Martin and Dominic Pope as Clopin Trouillefou, master of ceremonies.

There is a supporting cast playing gargoyles, soldiers, Roma and Parisians, plus an onstage cathedral choir.

The Island Savoyards will celebrate their 50th anniversary in 2022, after being unable to properly acknowledge the milestone last year.

The company will be hosting an evening at Shanklin Theatre on Saturday, June 11, showcasing their favourite show numbers.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame performances are over the Easter holiday weekend — April 14 to 18.

Tickets are available from www.shanklintheatre.com or 01983 86800.

To win a pair of tickets, simply answer this question. What is the Hunchback's name?

Send your answer and your full contact details to competition@iwcp.co.uk by midday on Friday, April 1. A winner will be drawn at random. Usual terms and conditions apply.

Isle of Wight County Press: Island Savoyards' Hunchback poster.