PAEDOPHILE Harry Simmonds has admitted sending obscene messages to a Dorset Echo news reporter.

He admitted sending by means of a public electronic communications network a message and a photo that was grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character between June 4 and June 8, while in Weymouth.

He has yet to be sentenced and his case was further adjourned on Thursday, to December 9, at Weymouth Magistrates' Court.

Simmonds, 22, is known as Baby Harry due to his predilection for posing in photos wearing only a nappy.

When the case was first heard in June this year, Aileen Tring, mitigating for Simmonds, said he had endured a troubled childhood.

She said: "He has been ping-ponging from various prisons for many years.

"He needs properly assessing to find out what is going on with this young man.

"He said he had been seriously abused when he was younger. Previous psychiatric reports did not properly assess and help him."

The court heard it was his sixth offence of that nature.

Simmonds, of Harvey Close, East Cowes, was recently remanded further in custody after he sent photos of himself wearing a nappy to a 16-year-old girl almost immediately after being barred from contacting her.

In the photo, he displayed a sign saying he was a paedophile.

Simmonds' case was sent from the Isle of Wight Magistrates' Court up to the higher Isle of Wight Crown Court.

Sentencing in that case has been further adjourned.