An investigation has been launched into the circumstances that led to severe flooding on the Isle of Wight this summer.

Flash floods in July and August led to blocked roads and submerged homes, after the Island was hit by spells of torrential rain.

Under the requirements of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, the Isle of Wight Council is now looking into what happened and will publish a report early next year.

  • Scroll down for a link to a form - to tell the council what happened to you...

Isle of Wight County Press: Flooding on the Island Line tracks, in August.Flooding on the Island Line tracks, in August.

Affected residents and organisations with flood management responsibilities will be involved and ways to stop it happening again will be considered.

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Councillor Jonathan Bacon, Isle of Wight Council's cabinet member for the environment, said: "It is essential that we look into the causes and impacts of the flooding that occurred earlier this year.

"Many residents were adversely affected and much distress and damage to properties resulted.

"I hope as many residents as possible will take the opportunity to contribute to the investigation.

"The information people supply will be crucial to helping us to understand the impact of the flooding on the local community, and will help us to consider potential options to take preventative steps and to mitigate the risk of similar flooding occurring in the future."

  • CLICK HERE to fill out the flood investigation form, if you were among those affected by flooding in July and August this year.
  • Send photographs, records of emergency service attendance and insurance claims to