Smallbrook Junction, statistically the Isle of Wight's most dangerous junction, is to undergo six months of improvement work, from today (Monday).

The project will introduce several safety features at Smallbrook which over the last decade has amassed the worst accident rate of any Island junction with 22 injury collisions recorded.

This work includes:

  • Realignment of the junction’s approaches to improve visibility, especially for traffic approaching from Smallbrook Lane and Carters Road
  • introduction of new traffic islands which will require traffic to slow down and negotiate the new roundabout rather than ‘straight-running’ across it
  • additional streetlighting
  • a speed limit reduction from 40mph to 30mph
  • anti-skid ‘slow down strips’

During the work:

  • the junction will be controlled by temporary traffic lights and Smallbrook Lane will be restricted to one-way eastbound (towards Ryde)
  • the non-residential end of Carters Road will also be one-way eastbound from the last property, towards its Ashey Road junction.

Work is set to last an estimated six months, avoiding the peak tourist season and minimising impact on wildlife, the Isle of Wight Council says.