A NEWPORT man convicted of murder in 2004 has been recalled to prison after breaching his lifetime licence and assaulting a woman.

Lee Arnold, of Kestrel Way, appeared before the Isle of Wight Magistrates' Court today (Tuesday).

The 37-year-old admitted assault by beating on September 18, 2021.

Arnold had been released from prison on licence in 2014, after serving just shy of ten years for killing taxi driver, Paul Jacques Rosenberg, in 2003.

He was 19 when he was convicted at Winchester Crown Court of murdering the 56-year-old in Cowes.

Isle of Wight County Press:

Prosecutor, Liam Hunter, told the court in September of this year, Arnold had been involved in an altercation at a camping site, after being seen trying to enter his vehicle while drunk.

He said the victim challenged him and took his keys, and the incident culminated with Arnold shoving her.

A child had previously been heard screaming in distress.

Oscar Vincent, defending, said Arnold gave the victim a gentle shove which did not result in any injury, and which he immediately regretted.

He said Arnold had been working full-time since his release and had kept to his licence conditions.

Mr Vincent said Arnold's victim had not been fearful, and had responded in kind.

He said Arnold immediately put his hands up in supplication, and in police interview, told officers he wanted to apologise for everything.

The court heard as a result of the incident, Arnold had been made subject of a standard licence recall.

He was given a three-month conditional discharge, and ordered to pay a £22 surcharge.

Magistrates told Arnold being recalled to prison was punishment in its own right.

The court heard Arnold would remain in prison indefinitely, and he would not be released until parole was granted again.