REACTIONS have come in to the County Press following the announcement earlier today by the Boundary Commission of where the proposed boundary will be between two new Isle of Wight parliamentary constituencies.

The Island will be split East and West and will have two MPs from 2024, if the plans are approved.

Read more: Isle of Wight's proposed new parliamentary boundary

Current Isle of Wight MP Bob Seely said today: “Some Islanders have said they want one MP, as it makes for simplicity and clarity. That’s a sound argument, and personally, it’s sad to be losing a chunk of the Island as I love speaking for all of it.

"However, this does mean we will get two MPs and therefore, provided the other MP, like me, makes sure he or she is focused on delivering for the Island, it will mean we have a second voice — and second vote — in Parliament.

"The important thing is that both MPs work together for the good of the Island, agree on a common programme for the Island and do their best to deliver on it.

“I will be making it clear to any interested parties that anyone who wants to be an MP here must focus on the Island. It is a remarkable privilege to be the MP for the Island, as I remind myself every day, and anyone who stands for election here needs to remember that.”

“I’m hoping that having twice as much representation for the Island in Westminster will be a good thing. As with all changes such as this, the devil will be in the detail.

Richard Quigley, IW Labour chair, said: "Many Islanders will hope that it doesn’t just lead to more of the same broken promises over the Island Deal and the lack of help for the Island.

"As voters, we need to make sure we get double the representation rather than just twice the expenses claims.”

Vix Lowthion, IW Green Party chair, said: “We welcome these proposals to double the number of MPs for the Isle of Wight and get stronger, louder and more effective representation for Islanders. They deserve it!

“The local Green Party believes this West/East proposed split has thrown up two good constituencies for the Green Party.

"Bringing the Bay, Ryde, Wootton and East Cowes together in a coastal corridor demonstrates an additional need for tackling the climate emergency, as well as a new MP for the Island who will really focus on regeneration in the area and create jobs for Islanders.

"The proposal for a more rural West constituency which would include Cowes, Newport and the West Wight plus Niton, Ventnor and South Wight include areas which already have successfully elected Green Party town, parish, community and county councillors.

“It’s about time the residents of the Isle of Wight are awarded a fair number of MPs for our population size.

"But with rumours of another early General Election it is even more important that Westminster makes a final decision as soon as possible."

Nick Stuart, chair of the Isle of Wight Liberal Democrats, said: "We welcome the plan for two MPs on the Island that is currently under-represented for its population.

"We have some concerns over the division of the Medina valley towns of Cowes and East Cowes, the carving up of the county town of Newport and the wandering boundary line.

"However we will put our representations to the Electoral Commission after consulting our members and as part of a Liberal Democrat party response.

"With two MPs, preferably Liberal Democrats, the Government should take more notice of the unique Isle of Wight issues and opportunities.

"From ferries to health care provisions, from industry to testing ground eg. the Covid app. All while recognising insensitive development problems and protection of our UN Biosphere designation, ensuring we are finally put on an equal footing to the mainland, not ignored and treated like an irritating after-thought."

The Vectis Party said: "The Vectis Party welcome the fact that the historic under-representation of the IW is being corrected and very much support the creation of two seats on the Island.
"We also understand the difficulty of creating two equally sized seats from the current ward boundaries however this laughably inept proposal from the Boundaries Commission can only have been drawn up by someone who was mildly surprised to discover the IW was part of England.

"To split up the County Town and include the outskirts of Ryde in the “West” shows a shocking lack of understanding for the Island and an incomprehension of basic geographical terms.

"The creation of a strange crescent like East Wight Constituency
where somehow Luccombe and East Cowes Esplanade supposedly have more in common than Luccombe and Ventnor Esplanade is bizarre, not least because almost none of the intervening places are in the same constituency."
The Vectis Party presented its own proposal for creating east and west seats, to see the whole of the Medina valley area remain in one constituency while also ensuring Ventnor remains connected to the Bay area.

The sizes remain equitable with the West Wight Constituency having 54,911 and East Wight having 56,805.

Isle of Wight County Press: The Vectis Party's submission.The Vectis Party's submission.

The party is to submit its proposal forward to the commisson. 
Provide feedback to the Boundary Commission at