BARTON Primary School took delivery of five laptop bundles with another five being delivered after Easter, all possible thanks to The Asda Foundation.

While children are now returning to classrooms, there is still a need for technology to support education activities inside the classroom, homework tasks, learning during the school holidays and to help schools future proof their home learning capabilities.

The foundation formed a partnership with technology provider Dell at the start of the year to invest over £2 million so that every Asda store in the UK could donate at least 10 laptops to a local school.

The local primary school, who community champion Clare Jones works very closely with, were extremely happy with the surprise delivery.

Each bundle consists of a laptop, laptop bag, a Dongle with three months data allowance and a headset.

Headmaster, Mark Snow, said: "We are incredibly grateful for this kind donation, We have supported many children throughout the pandemic with digital resources and these additional devices from Asda will support more in the future. "We are pleased to accept them and on behalf of everyone at Barton a huge thank you to our local store for sourcing them for us."

Clare added: "We were really happy to be able to support Barton and hopefully it will make a huge difference to the pupils."