THE arrival of new babies is always special and here at the County Press, we are aware that lockdown has meant many families have not yet been able to show off their new arrivals to other family members and friends.

We have launched our New Arrivals feature to allow new parents to send us pictures and details of their new babies if they want to - and we have had so many reponses. 

Scroll through our gallery of 28 pictures above to see so many cute smiles...

In our main image above is Percy, who was born on October 22, to Christopher and Charlotte Prew of Wootton. Weighing 5lbs 8.5oz, he is the couple's first baby. 

Charlotte said: "Our precious miracle baby arrived at 38 weeks by planned C-section, after six long years and eight rounds of IVF."

Isle of Wight County Press: Dexter at six months old.

Dexter at six months old.

Cheeky Dexter was born on August 20 to parents Amber Hunter and Lee Critchley of Brading. Weighing 6lbs 5oz, he has two older siblings, Jack and Elsie.

Mum Amber said: "Being pregnant during the first lockdown was certainly different and stressful in many ways! Dexter was born two weeks early after a placental abruption, but after a worrying ride in an ambulance straight to the labour suite he was delivered safely at 2.01 pm!"

Isle of Wight County Press: Ava in a recent picture.

Baby Ava in a recent picture.

Ava was born at home to parents Keith and Stephanie Standen on December 5 and weighed 7lbs 13oz. She was born after a planned home birth.

Another baby with a charming smile is Henry, pictured below, who was born on October 8 to parents Aimee Jones and Gary Newbury of East Cowes. Henry weighed 8lbs and is adored by his big brother Freddie.

Mum Aimee said: "I was induced two days before Henry's due date for reduced movements - he is our rainbow baby so we were extra-cautious.

"We had a two-hour labour on gas and air. He was born at 11.49pm on his great grandmother's birthday. He is our absolute world and his big brother adores him. He's completed our family."

Isle of Wight County Press: Henry is learning to roll over.

Baby Henry is pictured thinking about rolling over.

Mum Jade King was keen to praise her midwife during the birth of baby Oakley, who was born on September 24 to parents Jade King and Sam Plews and weighed 6lbs 6ozs.

Oakley has four siblings and Jade was told in early September that she would have to be induced at 38 weeks because her baby boy wasn't growing enough and would have to be born.

She said: “My midwife Lizzie Love-Pearse was amazing from the word go, from start to end she was always there for me.”

Oakley wasn’t in the correct position and Jade was in so much pain she couldn't keep still, so the doctors decided to put her to sleep and carry out a C-section to deliver her baby safely.

Jade said: "When I woke up the first person I asked for was Lizzie, I remember before being put to sleep that I told Lizzie to make sure she wouldn't leave me and she kept that promise as she was right next to me when I had woke up.

“Thank you so much Lizzie for looking after me and my baby boy, we couldn’t have done it without you!”

Isle of Wight County Press: Oakley at just one hour old.

Oakley at just one hour old.

Baby Karma was 6lbs 9oz when she was born on December 16 to parents Rebecca Gorham and Graham Richmond of Newport.

Mum Rebecca said: "We had planned to start a family around February/March time of 2020 but it just so happened it coincided with the start of the pandemic when I fell pregnant!

"Karma was born at 38 weeks via C-section after a failed induction and it was really hard dealing with the Covid restrictions but we got through it!"

Isle of Wight County Press: Baby Karma is ready for spring!

Baby Karma is ready for spring!

Baby Lily was born on December 13 to parents Chloe Redhead and Tom Haines of Cowes.

Weighing 6lbs 4.5 ozs at birth, she shares a birthday with her older sister, Emilia, and Lily has two other siblings, Owen and Theodore.

Mum Chloe said: “Lily was born at 36 weeks. My waters broke on December 12 at around 6pm. I was admitted to the hospital and Tom was told to go home and he’d be called when labour started. Labour started at 5am on December 13 and 58 minutes later, Lily was born.”

Poor Tom just missed the magical moment and he walked into the delivery room about 30 seconds after Lily made her grand entrance into the world at 5:58am.

Isle of Wight County Press: Baby Lily fell asleep while helping mum do housework!

So sweet - here baby Lily has fallen asleep while helping her mum do housework!

Little Emerson was born on August 4, and is a first baby for parents Thomas Wathen and Louise Wade of Newport. 

Mum Louise said: "Emerson came one week and two days late. After nine attempts of an epidural and 21 hours later our baby boy was born happy and healthy and weighed 8lbs 13oz. 

"He wasn’t a planned baby but we were thrilled when we found out we were expecting him. It made lockdown easier knowing we had a bundle of joy on the way. He is now seven months old and he is such a smiley little baby."

Isle of Wight County Press: Emerson at six months old.

Emerson at six months old.

Adorable little Lily-Mae was born on January 14 to parents Aaron and Victoria and is a tiny miracle in that she was unexpectedly conceived naturally following one of her parents’ cancer treatment.

Weighing 6lb 8oz, she has bought so much happiness to the family, not just in terms of the history of cancer and everything that entails, but throughout the lockdown and Covid crisis as well.

Her mum said: "A week overdue, she finally arrived after a speedy intense labour at St Mary's Hospital. Lily Mae and myself were looked after by community midwife Nikki and she was safely delivered by Sarah and Janet.

"Lily Mae needed a little extra help immediately, and I then spent quite a bit of time in and out of the hospital myself in the first couple of weeks following her birth, but the amazing midwives at St Mary's took great care of both of us and we couldn’t be more thankful to them.

"The team on the ward as well as the community team have so much care and passion for us mums and bubs in such a special time in our lives!"

Lockdown restrictions have meant Lily-Mae hasn't been able to meet many of her family yet. 

Her mum added: "We just hope it won’t be long until she gets to meet the rest of her family face to face and catch up on all the missed cuddles!

"After every storm, a rainbow always appears!"

Isle of Wight County Press: Lily-Mae at three weeks old.Lily-Mae at three weeks old.

Have you had a new baby recently and would like them to star in our New Arrivals feature? If so, simply click on the submissions box below to send us details and pictures.