WIGHTLINK has updated its Christmas travel information today (Monday), asking Island residents to avoid non-essential journeys to the mainland.

A Tier Four ‘stay at home’ lockdown now applies in Portsmouth, as well as in London and much of the South East, to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Scroll down for IW Council and Hampshire Police statements...

Isle of Wight residents must not go into Tier Four areas, unless they are travelling for essential reasons, such as work, education and caring for vulnerable people.

People in Tier Four must not travel to the Isle of Wight for non-essential reasons and must not stay away overnight.

Islanders who wish to go to the mainland are reminded that Wightlink’s ferries from Yarmouth arrive in Lymington, which is in Tier Two.

All Wightlink customers must follow the Hands. Face. Space. guidance, respecting social distancing and wearing a face covering onboard.

Customers who were planning to travel for a non-essential reason can rebook to another date without charge.

Full details of Tier 4 regulations can be found online.

Isle of Wight County Press: Rate of infection per 100,000 people since September on the Isle of WightRate of infection per 100,000 people since September on the Isle of Wight

Hampshire Constabulary assistant chief constable, Maggie Blyth, issued a statement yesterday regarding the role of the police in ensuring safe travel to and from the Island.

She said: "We will not be preventing people from travelling, but are working with ferry operators and partner agencies to ensure the public is informed about restrictions in place.

"Everyone must observe the restrictions from the highest tier they are travelling from or to at all times.

"We will continue to maintain Covid-19 related patrols, as required, in addition to our usual resourcing as we move through the Christmas and New Year period.

Isle of Wight County Press: Dr Myrto Kaklamanou is pictured giving Kenneth Killeen, 98, of Newport, his vaccination – the first person on the Island to receive it. Pictures by DK Photography.Dr Myrto Kaklamanou is pictured giving Kenneth Killeen, 98, of Newport, his vaccination – the first person on the Island to receive it. Pictures by DK Photography.

Meanwhile, Isle of Wight Council leader, Dave Stewart, has urged Islanders not to travel to Portsmouth, Havant and Gosport under new coronavirus rules which came into force at the weekend.

He said: "The rules are very clear: people must not go into Tier Four areas unless they are travelling for essential reasons, such as work, education, caring for vulnerable people and to attend medical/hospital appointments.

Read more: Wightlink updates Christmas travel guidelines for people in highest Tiers

"People in Tier Four must not travel to the Isle of Wight for non-essential reasons and must not stay away overnight.

"Our message today is clear — #keeptheIslandsafe. It needs you to make the right choice this Christmas and live within the guidelines."

The tighter restrictions came into force after a 'dramatic increase' in infections in the South East and London — where in some areas, most of the recent Covid-19 cases are thought to be the new variant of the virus.