WITH pubs, bars and other entertainment venues suffering as a result of lost revenue, one landlord is taking drastic action to keep his business afloat.

Harry Fletcher, of Sandown, has been at the helm of the Woodmans Arms in Wootton with his brother Ronnie for more than three years.

The pair have struggled to keep the establishment afloat since lockdown began on March 20, with commercial rent and other outgoings problematic in the face of absent trade.

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With this in mind, Harry has decided to make a bold — or possibly bald depending on the grade of clippers used — decision by having his distinctive long locks chopped off to raise much sought-after funds.

Isle of Wight County Press:

Harry in his younger days — the pub landlord is sacrificing his beloved mane to raise vital funds for the Woodmans Arms

Through a post on GoFundMe, Harry said: "My long hair is a coping mechanism (for my anxiety) which many people do not understand.

"My hair is all I have ever known and that threat of having panic attacks is always there, only this time it will happen without my safety blanket to hide behind.

"Many businesses are in the same boat. We urge everyone please use local pubs when they reopen and help the pub sector get back on its feet."

Harry and Ronnie aim to raise £20,000 through the fundraiser, with any excess donated to a local charity chosen closer to the appeal's culmination.

Isle of Wight County Press:

Harry will officially have his golden locks lopped off on Sunday August 2, with a video and possible live stream to accompany the occasion.

Those wishing to donate to the cause or find out more about it, can do so by visiting the GoFundMe page at tinyurl.com/yd9lllya