A NEW defibrillator has been installed at The Bus Stop Café at Hollier’s Farm, Shanklin, thanks to Good Skills Training.

The Isle of Wight and Hampshire group have been working in partnership with Steve Read of Isle of Wight Defibrillators to raise funds for new defibrillators to be installed across the Island.

This first unit, worth £749, has been donated thanks to public donations and Good Skills Training.

Steve said: “If it had not been for the public defibrillator on the church wall in Regent Street, Shanklin, chances are I wouldn’t be here today.

"I have a second chance and I cannot stress how important these life-saving pieces of equipment are to all communities.”

Barry Grant, of Good Skills Training, said: "The importance of a defibrillator is they make a difference.

"We also firmly believe in giving back to the community we live in and this is the first of many defibrillators we hope to donate.”

The new partnership hopes to install more defibrillators and increase the awareness of the equipment.

Good Skills Training runs regular free Saving Lives sessions, teaching people how to use a defibrillator.

For information on the courses, contact the team at iowhamp@goodskillstraining.co.uk