SECOND World War veteran, musician, speedway racer, councillor, hotel owner and property developer ­— it’s fair to say, Ron Cawdell has lived a fulfilling life.

And now, at 92, the war veteran from Wootton will soon have another medal to add to his collection ­— from the Russian government, from his time served protecting Arctic convoys.

The medal commemorates 75 years since victory and will be presented to Ron in the future.

Ron lives with his wife, Doreen, 90, in their home at Ashlake Farm Lane. They celebrated their 72nd anniversary in April 2019.

Fellow Arctic convoy heroes Alec Penstone, 95, of Shanklin, and Ian Gordon, 94, of Cowes, will also be receiving the medal.

Alec said: “We don’t consider ourselves heroes. We were just defending our country.”

“I was on a cruiser running out of Scapa Flow, where the fleet was based,” said Ron, who ended his career as a lieutenant commander in the Royal Naval Reserve.

“There were cruisers, battleships ­— all sorts up there. And this particular occasion, there were two cruisers, a couple of escort vessels and an aircraft carrier, and we went to the Norwegian coast ­— up to the Russian border ­— to escort Russian ships.

“That was the first place I ever went ashore abroad. I’d never been abroad before in my life ­— not even on a day trip to France.

“We met the Russians and we noticed the soldiers were wearing ragged overcoats.

“In May, 1945, we were recalled from leave to liberate Denmark.”