STAR of the show at a recent concert of the Bembridge Singers was 14-year-old Thomas Nash.

The special guest has a music scholarship at Ryde School and has considerable talent in all areas of music, from violin and piano to singing and percussion.

Born in Wuhan, China, he moved to the Isle of Wight with his family as a young child, beginning his musical studies aged six, taking up the guitar under the tutelage of his grandfather, John Nash.

For his part in the evening’s entertainment Thomas firstly played four pieces on the piano, including compositions by Chopin, Kabalevsky and South Korean composer Yiruma, to a mesmerised audience.

Later, he played on the acoustic guitar and gave more renditions, including Gavotte by Bach and also the score Un Dia de Noviembre from the film of the same name.

One observer said: "The energy in the room was tangible as this capable young musician commanded his instruments with both confidence and delicacy beyond his years."

The concert of light music took place at Holy Trinity Church, Bembridge, on Wednesday, February 12.

Accompanied by Alastair Nye on the piano, the choir was directed by Richard Hutchins.

They performed a variety of songs, beginning with an interpretation of Amazing Grace to Pachelbel’s Canon, followed later with a trio of Irish melodies.

Afterwards, soprano Amy Bottriell-Nye sang Mozart’s Laudate Dominum.

To complete the evening, the singers performed a medley of crowd pleasers from Oliver, with soprano Lydia Partington giving her debut solo performance.

Local sponsors were thanked for their contributions and Richard Weaver of Weaver Brothers independent funeral directors handed over a cheque to Thomas, in support of his continuing studies.

The Bembridge Singers' next event is the summer concert, at St John’s Church, Oakfield, Ryde, on Saturday, June 6, along with James Longford and members of the Isle of Wight Symphony Orchestra.

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