If junior doctors and nursing staff are discontent with the government’s pay increase offers perhaps they should become members of parliament instead.

In 2008 a backbencher MP’s salary was £60,675.

This financial year, 2023/24, a backbencher’s salary will be £86,584 (up 42.7 per cent).

Conversely, and for rough comparison, junior doctors have received a 16.9 per cent pay rise since 2009.

Many, along with nurses, will also be saddled with significant student debt.

It’s strange that those in a position to dictate the pay of doctors and nurses have a salary mechanism that benefits themselves but does not extend to those that the populace genuinely values and needs.

What is the point in voting if the wishes of the electorate are largely ignored and equally, is there any point having a health secretary, currently Steve Barclay? I despair.